Township of Dubreuilville Establishment of a Municipal Waste Disposal Site


Township of Dubreuilville Establishment of a Municipal Waste Disposal Site

The Corporation of the Township of Dubreuilville (Township) currently operates a municipal waste disposal site approximately 4 kilometers north-northeast by road from the centre of the built-up community of Dubreuilville in the District of Algoma. The site, located on Crown land and operated by the Township, is situated on a 2 hectare parcel of property with an approved fill area of 1.6 hectares and receives non-hazardous solid municipal waste from approximately 700 permanent residents as well as from the local mines. Residential (curbside) and commercial waste is collected and hauled to the Site on a weekly basis. Waste is also received via direct haul by area residents.

Based on the estimated volume of in-place material at the Township’s waste disposal site, the current site is nearing capacity. Considering this, the Township has initiated the Screening Process under the Province’s Environmental Assessment (EA) Act to establish a new municipal solid waste landfill site. A new site will provide an additional disposal capacity of 100,000m3 (estimated 40-year lifespan).

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